Guys Luncheon
Guys' Luncheon Attendees
60th Reunion May 14, 2022

Chip Abernathy
Dickie Cason
Craig Church
Sandy Covington
Ander Crenshaw
Phil Cushman
Mel Fannin
Mike Hoyt
Bill Hudgens (Claudia)
Victor Hughes - LHC '53 (Charlene)
J.D. Humphries
Mike Keesee
Mason Killebrew
Gene McCormack
Wayne Mixon
Bill Robinson
Kim Ross
Bill Schmidt
Jack Slemenda (Katharine)
Mike Seale
Don Smith & Jane
Jay Smith
Hap Stewart
Charles Ulery
Doug Milne
L-R: Hap Stewart, Mike Hoyt, Ander Crenshaw, Bill Schmidt
L-R: Hap Stewart, Mike Hoyt, Ander Crenshaw, Bill Schmidt
L-R: Mike Keesee, Dickie Cason, J.D. Humphries (Mike Seale took the picture)
L-R: Mike Keesee, Dickie Cason, J.D. Humphries (Mike Seale took the picture)
L-R: Kim Ross, Craig Church, Phil Cushman, Bill Robinson
L-R: Kim Ross, Craig Church, Phil Cushman, Bill Robinson
L-R: Charles Ulery, Sandy Covington, Chip Abernathy, Mel Fannin
L-R: Charles Ulery, Sandy Covington, Chip Abernathy, Mel Fannin
L-R: Bill Hudgens, Vic Hughes, Jay Smith, Gene McCormack
L-R: Bill Hudgens, Vic Hughes, Jay Smith, Gene McCormack
L-R: Wayne Mixon, Doug Milne, Jane Smith, Don Smith
L-R: Wayne Mixon, Doug Milne, Jane Smith, Don Smith